Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I really hate New Year's Resolutions. I know that's at least in part due to the fact that when I still made them I never managed to keep them, but seriously, who does? I mean, I get it, new year new beginning. Everyone wants to get better. It's not the sentiment I hate as much as the sheer banality of most resolutions. Of course everyone wants to get fit and smoke less. That's what everyone wants all the time.

Susan's resolution last year was to work on her posture. While my general policy towards resolutions remains, I applaud Susan for her ability to think up an appropriately random aspect of her life that she wanted to work on.

If anybody asks me what my New Year's Resolution is I'm going to tell them that I'm giving up cocaine. "Yeah, it's going really well. I haven't had a DROP of cocaine this year." "I've always heard that getting off drugs was hard but I don't really know what people are talking about. I said on Jan 1 that I wasn't going to have anymore cocaine and I didn't." "I'm the picture of sobriety."

This is not to say, that I don't have hopes and dreams for 2007 that don't include dropping a fake drug habit. I hope that I don't spend all of next year in Canada, for one.


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