Saturday, February 24, 2007

Rambling and the Interruption of the Space Time Continuum.

Well, father's knee surgery is all done. He's supposed to get out of the hospital today. And I'm sleeping again.

I was thinking earlier about how, when we were both quite a bit younger, I'd forget to feed Deanna lunch. Sometimes. When I was a teenager, not so long ago, I'd get up around 11 and not eat until 2 or 3. Poor Deanna had been up since 7 and, breakfast long behind her, would just go about her business, until I remembered that she needed to eat.

How is this kid not more messed up? I'll have to buy her some sort of guilt snack while we're at the mall today. Many a present have I purchased for Deanna fueled by the concern that I've screwed her up forever. That's what we call good parenting in these parts.

I blame all this nostalgia on the fact that Brian and I are both in the house on a Saturday afternoon. It's been approximately fifteen million years since that happened. When I'm here, he's visiting his girlfriend. When he's here, I'm off visiting my best ladies. But apparently there's trouble in paradise, so Brian is stuck here this weekend and The Space Time Continuum has been thrown entirely out of whack.

So if clocks start flying around your house and your cat starts talking, I'm v. v. sorry. That's what I assume would happen if the Space Time Continuum ran into trouble. And I'm not really sorry about the cat talking thing, because that would just be cool.

Okay, I'll stop now. Humblest apologies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I've been out of the blog game for a while...but now I'm back! good to see you, Toni. Good to see you indeed.

12:01 PM  
Blogger Toni said...

Same to you Nick! Same to you. And what have been up to? Spending time in the sun? Building a fort?

11:00 PM  

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