Sunday, October 16, 2005

It's 1:41 AM, do you know where your Toni is?

Adults don't stay up until 1:40. They certainly don't stay up past 4 AM, which I did last nightt (and not because I was having any trouble sleeping earlier). This is another aspect of impending adulthood that frightens me. I don't want to be in bed before midnight and up before noon. I know I COULD go to bed earlier but I like to be so tired that my eyes feel dry and I start thinking about really weird shit before I hit the sheets.

-slept until noon
-thought about doing work...wasted my time on the internet instead.
-perfect fall weather when I left the house...sunny and windy
-rehearsal...EXCELLENT...I brought stale candy and the cast that did show up was unimpressed....they were awesome today of those days where everyone seemed really upbeat and enthused about the play...AND Evan's calves looked excellent in heels.
-antijitos with Jo at the local hippie hangout AND organic coffee...made me feel good in the pants
-Andi's...biggest stoner house's like every stereotype rolled into one...saw some inventive bongs....REALLY good to see Andi...and some guy that looked like I imagine Jesus would if he were a skinny hippie.
-on the way home I ran into the roommates who were on their way out. Susan and Jo rushed me and I was mauled by affectionate drunks.
-homework. While doing it (and watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) it occured to me that I couldn't care less about the foreign policy of Russia and the United States from 1935 to 1939.
-Barb informed me he was tipsy on one beer. The world has come to an end.

Check out this website if you like cool illustrations of studly men and busty ladies and Paris Hilton.

I'm not going to bed yet and you can't make me.


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