Friday, October 14, 2005

Compact and Brilliant

I'm in love with one of my professors. A geography professor. From Switzerland. His French/German accent is strangely attractive. He's funny and when he tries to be funny and isn't its not annoying but endearing.

He's short and DEFINITELY has some male pattern baldness going on. Not the type I usually drool over, I assure you. With short guys I always imagine slow dancing with them. It's kind of dumb because seriously, how many occasions are there in my life for slow dancing. It's not like I'm attending balls left right and center. The closest thing I get to it is an organized seizure with my housemates on Funk Night at the Albion. For some reason, no matter their actual relative height, I always picture their head cushioned on my boobs. It's not an attractive visual, I assure you.

I'm in love with his brain.


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