Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Love Between a Girl and her gadgets. Ewww, not that kind.

I have my new computer! Excellent. It's black and sleek and shiny and we are in love. No operating system yet but the delightful AND useful AND excessively good looking Barb will attend to that tonight if all goes well.

Finally had a good nights sleep last night after a week of 3 or 4 hours a night. I am slowly becoming human again. Or relatively human, if one can be that.

Attended my political geography class today and it was absolutely brill. Jo told me a while ago that her people (half people?), the Kurds, were the largest nation in the world without a state and that totally came in handy today and I impressed my super cute Swiss professor with my superior knowledge.

Everytime I have a class that isn't history and really enjoy it I'm all like, why aren't I in (insert appropriate discipline). It was okay when that happened with anthropology and I was in first year. However, it's an incredibly unfortunate feeling to have when you're in the last year of your degree. Thinking about exploring the possibility of doing political geography or something to that effect in grad school.

Thinking about exploring the possibility of laying on my grandmother's couch after this year.

In other non-related news, I went to my step-dad's house on Friday after a long period of not visiting and saw my little sister. As I've already told anyone who will listen, she had a pimple on her forehead. I was all (inside my head of course, I'm not a complete boob) when the hell did you get old enough to have pimples? Pimples equal impending doom and I'm not ready to handle teenage Deanna.

Due to underpreparedness and general moronity I kind of fucked up my presentation today. I was babbling and I was all over the place and it was too short. My fellow presenters assured me that I wasn't that bad but I'm pretty sure the professor now thinks I'm a moron. Can't there be one professor that I really like that I don't make an ass out of myself in front of by:
a) crying (in front of my SUPER hot HIST 1010 prof after my grandpa died)
b) handing in shitty papers
c) generally being an ass clown.

Perhaps the secret to not making an ass out of yourself is to avoid being an ass in general.
Foiled again.


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