Sacred Tuna Fish
Exciting news! In the fine, time honoured tradition of discovering religious images in food, like Jesus in a potato chip or Mary in a waffle or beans that look like the leader, a tuna fish was caught in Mombasa, Kenya that has markings on it that apparently look like a passage from the Koran.
Supposedly it said, "You are the best provider." Methinks the fish market will be booming in Mombasa. Crazy Hakim's Fish Stall will have the following advertisement "Tuna fish is the best provider, Allah says so, get yours here!"
Personally, if I were God (and someday, if everything goes as planned, I will be) I would write something different on my message fish. I mean, "You are the best provider?" LAME. I'd write something along the lines of "What the shit is have you been up to?" or "What happened to all the dinosaurs? They were way cooler than you humans."
The best part of this story? Someone's stolen the Sacred Tuna. Bet those guys in the picture aren't so happy now.
No, it's true.

For the record, I included both a Simpsons and Aladdin reference in that blog. Just sayin'
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