Sunday, March 19, 2006

One of those random entries where I write down a bunch of unrelated crap.

My dad came down to visit today which was especially nice. I was inordinately excited for reasons that I don't entirely understand. I love my dad, but seeing him has never been a special event or anything. At the same time, I was all concerned about how I was going to amuse him while he was here. I had this idea in my head that we'd have nothing to talk about. Rather dumb considering I haven't seen in him in like three weeks. The only low point was when he started talking about repairs to his car. Double yawn.

This is quite random and I feel a little bit dumb putting it out there but anyway, here goes. Someone from Ohio reads my blog fairly regularly. I have a suspicion that it's my friend Ioana who moved out there a couple of years ago. If it is indeed you, Ioana, email me (hotmail is fine) because I've completely lost your email address and I wanted to say hey. If it isn't, hi Ohio! Thanks for reading my blog.

If you all didn't know I was a dummy before now, I don't think you've been reading this blog very carefully.

Nothing remotely special happened to me this weekend but it was a good one nonetheless. Had dinner with Alicia who is a constant source of delight and then we went out to see a play that a couple of my friends were in. Just in case you're reading: AWESOME job Rumours people. Loved it! Alicia joked that it was the best date ever on the bus ride home and we stuck our tongues out in a really obnoxious way, fake making out. Being juvenile is right up my alley.

Yeah, that's pretty much the round up. Plan on slacking quite a bit this evening. At least try and act surprised.


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