Wednesday, March 15, 2006

New (ish) Links

So awhile ago I added a bunch of blog links to the side. They come quite highly recommended. From me. I'll give you the low down.

Pruned: About landscape architecture. No, come back. I swear it's the coolest! There are pretty pictures. Check it out.

The Rhetorical Letter Writer: Well, who doesn't like Rhetorical Letters? Also, hitting on all of todays hard-hitting issues, like pepper and kleenex and collusion between the pepper and kleenex industries. Go forth!

Bad Astronomy: If I was ANY good at math, I'd be a theoretical physicist right now. Then all of you jerks laughing because I'm a history major would be sorry! So damn sorry! Because I could calculate your butt right off into outer space. Stuff like this is right up my alley. Pictures and science news and awesomeness.

Petite Anglaise: This woman intrigues me, I think I'd like to be this self-aware and eloquent when I grow up. Love her blog, love her writing.

Cute Overload: Oh, I'm so ashamed. They're little and furry! I can't help myself. I swear I'm not 14 years old.

Man Vs. Clown: I wish I was this sassy. Anyone that can incorporate Dyson Spheres into their blogging deserves a hearty handshake.


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