Friday, March 17, 2006

The Family Stone

So sometimes I get into these ruts where I watch a movie over and over again. Just have it on in the background while I'm doing other things on the computer. Right now that movie is The Family Stone.

Trust me, I do know better.

As I was telling Mel, I'm completely in love with the big family dynamic in the movie. They all love each other and they're all in each other's grills and they all understand each other. It all looks so warm and comfortable. And, as a bonus, recreational pot use is treated very casually.

I totally get why I like it. Sometimes I'm completely transparent and my thoughts about big families have always been very clear to me. There's definitely a part of me that's very cynical, sure that marriages generally don't work and that the movie shows me an unrealistic and idealized representation of a family. And there's a part of me that knows that families of all different shapes and sizes have value and knows that I wouldn't want to change my family just because we're not normal. But there's also this part of me that has wanted a big, normal family from the time I was little, from when I was 6 and my parents got divorced or when I was 12 and my mom died. And that doesn't change just because you're 21.

There's your daily (probably weekly) allotment of schlock.


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