Wednesday, March 22, 2006



I'm only just regaining feeling in my fingers right now, so you'll have to excuse me if the rest of this blog comes off like a rant.

First of all: Professor of European Women's history. I don't know how you've managed it but you've made it so that I have no desire to learn about women. Do you realize that I'm the target audience for this class? I'm a fucking feminist. I eat this shit up. And you've managed to make me dread attending your class. Good job.

Secondly: Stupid smokers. I used the moniker stupid, because not all smokers are bad. I'm going to avoid it myself, but you know to each his own. The girls I saw today, however, are bad. Stupidly bad. Stupendously Stupid. If you're running for a bus, don't you think it would be a good idea if you abandoned your cigarettes instead of taking drags as you stupid boots clicked furioiusly along the pavement? No? Oh, all right.

Thirdly: To the ten year old on the bus. Eyeliner and mascara and red lipstick are not for you. The following things are acceptable facewear for you: lipsmackers and other varieties of chapsticks. That is all. Stop being a whore-in-training.

Fourthly: To the service employees of the world. I feel for you guys, really I do. Susan tells me it's a hard job, and I believe her. Accordingly I will tip well and not be a jerk to you. If, however, you persist in bringing me the wrong Booster Juice/side dish when I CLEARLY stated which one I wanted, I'm going to ask for WHAT I ACTUALLY ORDERED. If you could avoid rolling your eyes at my completely polite and reasonable request next time, that would be great.

Fifthly: Blogger, if you don't post my irrational rants in a timely fashion, you're going on The List.

That was totally a rant. No other word for it. I think that's all for now.


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