"Act like a guy who's got brown hair."

Those were the directions that Jo gave me for this picture. Luckily, I have a great deal of experience being a brunette, 22 years running.
In addition to accurately portraying brunettehood, this picture illustrates my feelings towards a particular prof of mine.
I've been skipping a lot of seminars in this guy's class. I hate seminars...love skipping class...you see where that might be a bad combination. Anyway, he scolded us all about our lack of seminar attendance before the break and got me all worried about my final mark. He made me feel like a child. I HATE that. Sure, I can be really immature and dumb but he doesn't know that as I always come to class on time and ready to learn junk. It's my LAST semester of my undergrad, I'm going to feel free to attend or not attend as I see fit.
Got my midterm back today in that class. 90 percent baby. Thus he can take his seminars and shove them right up his ass.
In a perfect world, the whole tongue thing would be accompanied by a dance of celebration and triumph. Such a dance would probably resemble Chandler's dance of triumph from Friends.
p.s.- check out the new haircut! I love getting my haircut. LOVE.
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