Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hangin' with my ladies.

Jo availed herself of my computer this evening while I was reading about medieval Aberdeen and then Jane Austen. Then Subu came in and spread herself out on my bed. I love it when we're all in someone's room doing our own thing but together, occasionally commenting about the oddities of our fields of study and frequenting bemoaning the fact that we have to do work at all (Jo in particular, was worried that her ultra long psych article was going to give her eye cancer. Don't worry, I told her I'd scoop out the cancerous eye with a dull spoon.)

They are my BFF's and I love spending time with them. It just struck me tonight particularly.

Of course, whenever we spend time together there is a certain amount of teasing that goes on. I bore the brunt of it this evening, not without some justification. Here's the thing, I'm kind of neurotic when it comes to new books. With brand new books I've purchased want to be the first person that reads them. I feel strongly about it.

Susan had the misfortune of picking up a book that I bought recently but haven't gotten around to reading yet. I told her I'd murder her in her sleep (or some equally unreasonable threat) if she stole the book and read it before me. In all fairness to me, that's exactly what she did with the penis book. In all fairness to my beloved Susan, however, I reacted like a crackpot and was teased accordingly.


Blogger Madhypnotist said...

couldnt comment on your latest post...but I agree with you on the book thing....odd, but not unusual...
as for the "penis book..." ummmm
Ill leave that be... I had no idea there was a penis book.... next I assume there will be a movie....

1:15 AM  
Blogger Toni said...

There is, indeed, a penis book. It's a cultural history of the penis. Pretty interesting until it got to Freud, never thought a perverted mysogynist could be that boring.

If there was a movie it would be beyond human rating systems and would likely cause the FCC to explode.

'Twas graphic.

1:32 AM  

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