Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sex. Have I got your attention now?

So the day didn't suck nearly as bad as I predicted. But things were looking pretty bad when I was facing the paranoia phase of my drug odyssey all on my own. Did the tech thing with Simon while still partially stoned (those cupcakes were powerful) and I don't remember a whole lot. Watched Totoro and ate delicious pizza with Barb and tried having a nap before heading into rehearsal.

There's nothing more depressing than being in your bed in the middle of the afternoon if you're not:
a) having hot sex
b) napping successfully
c) stricken with syphillis from the earlier hot sex

My wireless keyboard totally cut out during that last bit. There was a moment of panic, I'm not going to lie.

Susan and Jo have gone home and Barb and Dana are probably canoodling like junkyard rabbits. So I'm home alone, blasting songs that I couldn't listen to without getting flack from the roommates as they are supremely uncool. I'm contemplating homework but I feel as though it's much more likely that I end up just ordering some more books from the library and calling that 'homework'.

Someone needs to give me a really good hug. Yes, that's completely unrelated to everything I just wrote. True nonetheless.


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