Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"You liberals."

Trolling around on Rolling Stone, I read a blog entry celebrating the triumph of multilateralism the recent aversion of catastrophe at Heathrow Airport.

"There is no separation of church and state in any of the middle east countries (save for Turkey). Women have few rights, if any, at all. Legalization of drugs and gay marriage would get you killed over there. And yet, the average liberal is more critical of Israel, than of Lebanon, Hezbollah, or Iran.

How can you liberals identify with the very people who would jail/kill you for the very causes you champion? The irony is overwhelming. "

First of all, Iran is the only truly theocratic government in the region. Also? If this dud thinks that the United States has a true separation of church and state I'd direct his attention to the recent domestic debates on gay marriage, abortion and stem cell research. All of which are, to some degree, rejected by the Right because of their ties to conservative religious groups. That's not what I call separation of church and state. But what do I know, I'm just a liberal!

Also as an "average liberal", I'd like to say that I can be and am critical of Israel, Hezbollah and Iran all at the same time. Isn't it funny how my brain can do more than one thing at once? Never said I wanted to vacation in Iran and I don't think being critical of Israel and some of what I perceive as their poor policy choices, automatically means I'm less critical of Hezbollah. As I said earlier, it's a moral quagmire!

Dude declared in another post that it was the "culture of death" perpetuated by the Palestinian leadership is responsible for the unrest in the region. Not American foreign policy. I'm not entirely convinced "culture of death" is the best way of putting it. Nevertheless, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that both are contributing factors. See? It happened again; my brain thought more than one thing at once, saw an issue as more than either/or.

Dude was also insightful enough to include "Continuing the status quo is not a peaceful solution."

Wow. You really turned me around on that one. You know what's also not a peaceful solution? WAR.

Also, shut up your face dude.


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