We had to walk along this dock to reach another, equally rickety dock. It's a good thing I'm not a huge clutz. Against all odds I managed to avoid pitching into the lake. I really don't know how I managed that in light of the fact that I fell three times on the first day. There was definitely bloodshed; I have pictoral evidence that I'm manfully refraining from posting. Perhaps I'm not cut out to be a ballroom dancer after all.

Everyone needs the obligatory moss-on-rocks by the water picture for their portfolio. Trite but pleasing.

I love the way the roots look like they're braided. This was on our hike to a gorgeous little spot with a waterfall and everything. A hike during which, might I add, I managed to stay on my feet the entire time, even though there were a couple of close calls.

A storm had swept through the area and had uprooted trees all over. This one was alarmingly close to Linds' cottage.
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