Pantless and fancy free.

You didn't think I was kidding about the pantsless thing, did you? This weekend was a resounding success. Although there weren't Lucky Charms, there was breakfast cake and we certainly spent all of our time indoors without constricting pants on. Don't you hate pants?
The picture is of my bedside table and Jo's pantsless legs. You'll notice the massive book; I'm currently reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. Quite highly recommended. You'll also notice my spider plant Sebastian, who is simply thriving!
A lot was accomplished this weekend, Jowie and I decided that we are going to go into the Flipping business. That is, we'll buy houses cheap and improve them and sell them for a massive profit. We can't lose! Soon we'll be real estate tycoons like Donald Trump. I'm sure we'll end up with hair to match. Maybe it's not worth it.
We also decided that John Legend is a massive muffin. Don't try to fight the dimples, they'll steal your soul. I also decided that I'd sleep with almost every performer at Dave Chappelle's Block Party. Or just Mos Def and one of the dudes from The Roots. Important. Decisions.
Jonathan Strange, huh? I must admit, I do frequently judge books by their cover, and this was an impulse buy based exclusively on the lovely grainy texture of the cover. I am in the middle of it right now, though I got it quite a while ago.
I've been lured in by many a book cover in my time. Particularly Family Matters and The Timetraveller's Wife. I thought Jonathan Strange was a bit slow in parts, but the magical imagery won me over eventually. The ending was perfect too, I thought.
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