Tell me more about that Science-Fi.

Now, don't get me wrong, Arthur C. Clarke knows how to write Sci-Fi. Knows how to create worlds and images that are beyond my imagination. He's also written a book or two, so he definitely knows something about pacing a story, building a narrative and creating tension.
He doesn't do dialogue though.
His dialogue comes off something like a Victorian proponent of the temperance movement, especially when it comes to romance or sex. 'Darling' (a word I assume is only used by 'old money' and aging opera singers) is peppered throughout the book. And when his characters speak to each other it's like robots giving exposition. Stilted, obvious exposition. Sometimes, in the case of the two main characters in Rama Revealed, it's like robots in love.
And yet, I love ACC. Powering through the final Rama book like there's no tomorrow.
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