Was digging through my old blogs. Found a couple that I'd planned to post later and then they never saw the light of day. For good or ill, here it is.

I know it looks like a pile of crumbly mush, and it is. It is, however, a very important pile of crumbly mush. The Gospel of Judas has resurfaced after a billion years of decay and some years of suppression by the authorities before that.
Almost certainly written by an impartial source, free of human motive and frailty, just like all the other gospels (WINK), the Gospel of Judas offers the radical opinion that Judas was the good guy! Maybe not as good as Jesus (MAYBE) but he was certainly better than the other 12. When he betrayed Jesus to the authorities he was just doing was Jesus had asked him to do.
Now you just KNOW that Judas is partying in the great beyond. He's been hassling Jesus for years about this shit. Like, long before our remote ancestors were even conceived. Conceived in my case, likely due to some ancient drunken indiscretion. Oh the Irish. What? Shut up, I can perpetuate stereotypes about my heritage if I so choose.
Judas is all "Finally biatches! Now when, exactly, do I get sainted? I've heard that you get all kinds of good shit when that happens and seriously, after all this time I could use a church or two in my honour. You know what I'm sayin'?"
Lost Gospel.
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