It's happened again.

Maybe they didn't capture the right angle or something, but my untrained eye can't pick out Mother Teresa in the Nun Bun at all. Either that or Mother Teresa had an exceptionally squishy face without a discernable mouth, set of eyes or any human features.
Sidenote: Nashville, in the future you might want to display your priceless artifacts a little differently. Take a hint from the Louvre who, the last time I checked, don't use Christmas lights to light their exhibits or crushed velvet in magenta as a background for any of their famous works of art.
It gets worse people. Not unlike the Sacred Tuna Fish, the Nun Bun was STOLEN. Now some banana head is demanding ransom for the Nun Bun to the tune of $5, 000.
What. The. Shit.
I wouldn't pay $5 000 for a cinnamon bun intact let alone one that has been shellacked and has been rendered inedible. No dice Nun Bun thief. Sorry.
I'm thinking of devoting this blog solely to religious imagery in food. Nay, I'm going to devote it entirely to religious food that's been STOLEN. Make it my mission to get this food back where it belongs!
Seriously, how much do I like writing Nun Bun?
* Link totally gakked from the Bad Astronomer, by the by.
I might pay $1.75 for it, but only if they throw in some good french vanilla coffee.
Now a grilled chesse sandwich that cries real tears ... that's a whole different story.
I can see good ol' Mama T in that cinnamon bun. They've got everything there: her legendary small beady raisin eyes, her well known bulbous dough nose, tough cinnamony exterior,and that sheer determination gained soley from exposure to a 350 degree oven for 15-20 minutes.
You're just jealous that no one has stolen your 'Moses McMuffin'.
Well, let's face it, I'd do almost anything for a grilled cheese, tears or no.
And, more importantly, my Moses McMuffin is real and completely worth stealing! He's parting the Red Sea and everything. I refrained from eating a very delicious breakfast, and no one will even take the time to worship it.
There's no justice in this world.
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