Blog Birthday

I've been writing in this thing for a year. A YEAR. Have I made a worthwhile contribution? Probably not. Was it mostly something to do while I was avoiding other things? Yes.
But here's the deal people, you've been reading for a while. Why don't you just keep on reading? And I'll keep writing stuff that is marginally to mildly amusing. That way everybody's happy and nobody gets hurt.
Oh, and I'm going to continue to occasionally threaten you in a very vague manner. Hope you're down.
I was going to include a celebratory picture of myself giving the thumbs up, taken with my new digital camera, but morning Toni is not pleasing to the eye. Why didn't anyone tell me before? 10 Stanley, I'm looking at you.
That's pretty presumptuous of you to assume we find it mildly amusing. What if we're just reading to help us decide whether to go through with a suicide or something?
In any case, all my congratulations to you!
Sass? Really? On my blog birthday? Whatever dud. So what’s the verdict? Did this blog help you with your life or death decision?
I could make a new tagline: "Helping people decide on Suicide since 2005."
And thanks!
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