Saturday, March 11, 2006

Late night confessions

We drank. There was a great deal of snuggling. I think I licked two people's hands. To be completely fair to me, Evan started it. My throat still hurts, possibly not helped by all the yelling. There were two bad bands. I touched Barb's beard a lot and the chins of at least 4 people. What a weirdo I am.

Then we came home and ate birthday cake. Only it was the king of birthday cakes. The birthday cake to end all others. We started with a cake and then made brownie and crumbled that on top of it and then we sprinkled M&Ms on top of that. I'm sure we all have diabetes now. While we ate cake we watched the Magic Bullet informercial and I called Jo, Susan, Barb, Evan and myself a dumb bitch, at least 3 times each. But you know, with love.

Highlight of the night:
Barb- What about sex with an emu?
Toni- Oh I love the emu sex.
Barb- *indescrible warble/scream*
Toni- That's not the sound an emu makes
Barb- It is when it's getting boned in the mouth.

And then we all laughed for 10 years.

What a classy bunch. I'm sure I've scared you all away. Time to go sleep it off.


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