Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Monday Night

The idea was to go to a place that had some live music. We were like, yeah, that's a bunch of fun. We ended up at a place with no live music but it was actually a good time. I had a midterm and looooooooooooooonnnnngggg class before, so it was nice to go unwind for a while before heading home. We sat around and talked about stuff and had cheap drinks. I gotta tell you though, the bar lady was pretty stingy with the vodka. In the end, not incredibly inebriated, not even very, I'd say. Afterwards there was the obligatory bad-for-you-food and we took the last bus home.

I bought this piece of rock candy the other day, mint flavoured. I gotta say, it's a pretty boring kind of candy. I feel bad for the people in olden times that didn't have the candy selection we do.

It occurs to me that the previous sentence and the fact that I randomly started talking about rock candy is a product of my inebriation. I'm posting nonetheless!

Finally: one of my friends left me an instant message while I was out and said "...i can't find any hair elastics or bands, i'm wearing a bra on my head to keep my hair out of my face..." I'm still giggling right now.



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