Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Procrastinating against the man.

I have a complicated relationship with a certain professor of mine. On the one hand, I want to stick my tongue out at him, on the other....he delivers amazing lectures. AMAZING.

Today he even managed to make me feel good about procrastination.

We were talking about the industrial revolution in Britain and the way it changed the rhythm of work. After the industrial revolution, work was dictated by (newly standardized) time and the machines. You worked as the machines worked, all the time and for long periods of time. In the good old days, if you were an artisan you practiced something called "task discipline" where you would only work hard when you had to and rested in between. Three day weekends were the norm, thanks to a hilariously titled fake religious holiday called St. Monday. That's actually a thing and not the product of my delusional mind, pre/early modern artisans were the best! Come to think about it, I've been taking that same holiday off myself.

So really, when I ignore my work for weeks and then put in a frantic fortnight of effort, I'm not procrastinating, I'm practicing "task discipline".

If you think about it, by not working at a steady pace I'm fighting the machine and the man. Really, us procrastinators are freedom fighters.

You should probably shake my hand the next time you see me.


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