Sunday, February 19, 2006

Well, I probably won't post when I don't have internet access. Probably.

It's colder than a witches teat (teet?) here in good old Southern Ontario. I'm at home now, which means that all my extremities are freezing and I where blankets around all the time. I've painted my fingernails red in an attempt to fool my fingers into thinking they are, in fact, quite warm. My brilliant plan has failed miserably.

This house was built before the war of 1812. The war where Canada set the White House on fire. Mmmmm, that would warm my fingers up. The point is, there's actually no insulation in this house at all. Brian, miser that he is, won't turn the heat up. Fine. Don't want to waste money. You can pay for my finger-amputation operation.

Finished my DE paper. Did you know that immigrants in the nineteenth century had a hard boat ride over here? No, I swear it's true. Bah. Pointless paper. Tore me away from the Olympics.

That's how I plan on spending my week: watching the Olympics in my pajamas, eating well rounded meals and reading about the history of the English language. Not everyone can have a truly sexy life. I've managed it.

On tomorrow's agenda: Dentist appointment. I did the adult thing, made the appointment. I'm twenty-one, after all. I'm an adult. But they're totally going to scold me. I've had the same dentist since I was 4 or something and everytime I go, he scolds me. I don't have bad teeth, I know because once, in passing, he told me so. However, he's made going to the dentist the last thing I want to do. Well, the last thing I want to do is George Bush. So the second last thing.


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