Sunday, February 05, 2006


Went to see the Vagina Monologues yesterday. LOVED. I said it already, but I think this year's 'Logues are the best I've seen. That may have been partly due to the fact that I was sandwiched between Marieke and Barb, two people that I love. Also because one of my hetero life mates was awesome in her towel. Still! The quality of the show cannot be faulted.

The thing is, when I go to see it, despite the fact that some of it is too arty for my sensibilities, I totally buy into it. I'm all, yes! Vaginas! Woot! I DO feel empowered. I don't know if I necessarily feel that my-vagina-is-me sensibility but, you know, I'm proud to be a lady.

Instead of sleeping after the party I decided it was time to read reviews of other Vagina Monologue performances and I came across this (beware, there is a vagina! picture if you follow this picture) article. The author, a leader of one of the 'vagina seminars' that's discussed in one of the monologues, doesn't like the fact that the Monologues focuses on issues of violence against women rather than simply promoting sexual pleasure for women.

To me the point of the Monologues is both. I'm supposed to embrace my own vagina (although, presumably, not literally) and the pleasure that can come from it as well as a sense of female empowerment. However, I'm also supposed to leave with an awareness of the fact that, all around the world, being a woman entails certain dangers.

Enough of that.


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