Thursday, February 02, 2006

He was born and raised to rule. No one has ever been this cool.

Why is singing in the shower so awesome? I really don't sound any better than I usually do. Not unlike some sort of strangled goat, methinks. And it's never one song. I have the memory of a goldfish and can't actually remember entire songs when I get into the shower. Thus:

Today's Shower Mix-
Don't You Know by Della Reese
Marching Band of Manhattan by Death Cab
That's Just the Way it Is by Bruce Hornsby (totally Barb's fault)
Cusco's theme song from the Emperor's New Groove by Tom Jones

The most recent entry at Taylor and Jame's b-log made me think about the people that try to talk to me in my history classes. I'm pretty sure that I project a sort of dour-hate-life-and-people-look when I'm not around (let's face it) drama students, so I don't really understand all the people trying to talk to Toni.

There was one girl in my Women and Modern Europe class that decided to make me her small talk buddy. Barf. And proceeded to talk to me while we were waiting for class to start, despite the fact that I was CLEARLY reading. "Yes loser, my hoodie does say Lambton on it. Suprisingly that doesn't mean I want to hear all about your experience in residence. Whorebag."

I think we've broken up though, because I've skipped a bunch of those classes recently and she was totally talking to someone else yesterday and possibly shooting me the evil eye. Up your nose with a rubber hose!


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