Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Academia, a kind of nut.

I attended 100% of my classes today. Yeah, I only had one class. So? I love my Topics in Medieval history class. I've always thought that I was all about the modern history, who wants to read primary documents with weird words in it? But this class has made me rethink that. The material is genuinely interesting and the articles we have to read are well written and not at all dry. AND as I've told Jo about ten thousand million billion times, I love my professor for this class.

I can't remember the last time I felt this engaged in an academic sense. It was probably back in first year when this whole university thing was new and everything I learned was like a door to a bunch of things I'd never even considered. Anthropology really made me feel that. Incidentally, I had Anth. with Subu. I kind of laugh when I think back on it, because we knew each other, obviously, but it's absolutely nothing compared to the level of gross-togetherness-incestuous(?)-giggly-groinal love relationship that we've cultivated since we all moved in together.

I don't know when or why I stopped feeling engaged by school, whether it was my own apathy or if the quality of instruction or whatever. I'm just glad that the feeling is back for my final semester.

Final. Semester. GAH. I don't really want to spend another year here but in another way I feel like I've just gotten good at this university thing.


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