Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"Your play was pretentious and you were unconvincing as a nun."

I've mentioned that I'm stage managing a play for Jo right? Well, I am. So we totally had our first night of tech tonight, programming lights and sound cues and all that fun stuff and I was TOTALLY freaking out (mostly inside my head, but not entirely).

I have absolutely no experience in theatre stuff and I REALLY didn't want Jo to regret having me as her stage manager. Not for that anyway. Gross incompetence as a human being, fine, but I didn't want to screw up the tech.

It went quite well. Jo had really simple light cues planned, so simple that any primate could've handled them. And I'm nothing if not a primate.

There's this one guy coordinating tech for all 6 shows (three run Mon, Wed and Fri and ours run Tues, Thurs and Sat) and he is Professionally irritating. Sometimes he seems reasonably competent and friendly and then other times it seems as if he doesn't think at all.

Oh well, I'm super excited for the actual performance. I think our cast is going to rock but I'm also looking forward to the show simply being over. I want to take back my brain. Bits and pieces of dialogue from the play or props that we still have to get or backdrops that we still have to paint are floating around my brain ALL THE TIME. I've never been so consumed with a project.

How are academics you ask? Well, they're not going so brilliantly. Can't force myself to care right now.


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