Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"That's the problem with the American Dream, it makes everyone concerned about the day they're going to be rich."

Sweet Jesus! I just watched Ways and Means from the third season of the West Wing. It's everything that's good about that show and it's Sorkin doing what he does best. The staff is fast and witty and working like a well-oiled machine. Sorkin manages to make you care about issues and big words and at the same time he makes you care about the people and their relationships and how they're doing their job.

You should all download it. Season 3, episode 3. And by download, I of course mean purchase legally. I know I did!

The only way this episode could've been better is if my dearest Susan had been at my side, squealing at the cuteness of Cliff and Donna, despite the fact that he's a Republican and she's clearly meant to be with Josh.

Watch it. Watch it right now!
And that's quite enough of that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Toni, remember that post I wrote about the Pygmy Marmosets on my fingers?

Well, I thought you might find it intersting to know that I just recently got a comment from a gentleman named Keith, who was apparently deeply offended by your comment on it.

Please check it out, as I'm sure you'll find it good for a laugh.

You can get to it off my main page, on the right hand column if you scroll down, it shows recent comments.


2:45 PM  

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