Much Ado About Something.
We went to see Much Ado About Nothing on Saturday! We had a girls night out. It was supposed to be Sushi and Shakespeare but we didn't end up doing sushi. Shakespeare more than made up for it, in large part because my experience with performed Shakespeare was entirely limited to the fifteen minute Hamlet (which was brilliant) that Susan directed back in the day.
I know Stratford is the 'establishment' and that I should hate them but I'm like, not actually in theatre, and whether they take risks or sold out to the man or not doesn't really matter to me. Also, I didn't pay full price for my ticket, so I don't really care what they charge. I only have a social conscience about theatre when I'm watching Slings and Arrows. Because Paul Gross tells me too. Oh the things I would do to that man!
Although, I've gotta say, the gift shop made me pretty unhappy. The Shakespeare
Action Figure was rather amusing but the hats on sale and the forty dollar ties were not. In fact, everything was a million dollars and the shop was stuffed to the gills with people and my feet hurt, so I really just wanted to rush through and get to our seats.
The show wasn't perfect, Beatrice I'm looking at you, but the Festival Theatre was beautiful, the seats were comfy for the first hour and 45 minutes and we had a great view of the stage. I developed a slight old man crush on the guy who played Benedict and a pretty serious dislike for the girl who played Hero.
It being cheapie night, there were a bunch of teenagers in attendance. I was less than enthralled with their prepubescence. I don't really care, go ahead and look like slobs on purpose, I look like a slob by accident a lot of the time. What I can't bear is your body odour. I'll admit it, I have a B.O. phobia and carry deodorant around in my purse/schoolbag. I understand that's not for everyone. Regular showers, however, are for everyone. Lather, rinse, repeat people. Thanks.
I've included visual aids to show that we're adults, attending the theatre, appreciating culture and the like.
Exhibit A:
We have appropriate footwear. Adult footware! I love you red shoes, why do you hate me?

Susan is howling at the moon. Jowie likes it.

We do not appreciate outlandish hats. Okay, I don't like outlandish hats. Susan and Jo claim that this is perfect on me. It's like crushed velvet with weird fringe. What? This hat is only for blind ghetto thugs.

I took pictures of the lit stairs that were NOT easy to walk down. When your foot is already on a downward slope and you walk on a downward slope tragedy awaits. High heels are definitely special occasion shoes for Toni; once every seven months or so should do me just fine.
Okay, I'm not going to be all, I meant for this picture to be blurry; I'd hate to lie to you, dear reader. I wanted a clear picture of the stair lights, but I think the blurriness doesn't necessarily detract from the overall photographic beauty. We'll just call it art, okay?

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