Monday, April 17, 2006


The number one way randoms find their way to this blog? By searching "big boobs". Or some variant, like the always hilarious "Professor Big Boobs". As I said, pornstar name all picked out. Found it funny too that someone was that specific in their search for nudie pictures. Big boobs aren't good enough, they better be attached to a professor.

Anyway, all these people get here because I once wrote a blog called "What Good are Big Boobs if No One Wants to Touch Them?"

Poor fools. Happens about once a week, I'd say. I'm sure they weren't looking for an entry by a girl who was complaining about any number of unsexy things. Unless they're turned on by whiney twentysomethings express an unhealthy amount of teenage angst. That was in ample supply. Example: "I'm lonely and school sucks and I'm not sure which came first or if they are simply two vortexs of doom that are feeding off of each other." Such a fourteen year old it hurts. So yeah, not one picture of the boobs. Ha! Ha, I say.

One unsuspecting soul also found my blog by looking for information on an Emu. Found the tasteless entry with a quote from my boy Barb about the sound an emu makes when it's getting boned in the mouth. Hope it wasn't a little kid.


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