Saturday, April 29, 2006

Empty Walls

Well, the blankness of my walls and the fact that we're moving out the day after tomorrow has really hit me. Maybe I'm not going to get to come back here, ever.

Barb's going to be moving all of his stuff tomorrow. He won't be a resident here anymore. All of Linds' stuff is being moved tomorrow too. I'm sending almost all my books home with my dad tomorrow. My closet is empty. I only have three things hanging up still, to maintain some semblance of sanity. Stoned!Jo was really alarmed by it. Hell, I'm really alarmed by it. I like a lot of wall clutter.

The house is a disaster. In an effort to make moving easier, everyone has moved some of their stuff out of their room and into the kitchen or living room. There are bags of garbage and boxes everywhere.

Even the fun we're having seems poignant. We went on a late night trip to the Ultra for toilet paper and candy and on the way we sang along to That Thing You Do by The Wonders and it just tugged at me that, for all the endings we've had in the past couple of weeks, that we were coming up on the big one. The biggest one.

I'm sick of feeling this and I'm sick of writing about it. I get it, this isn't and ending but a beginning. Cheesy platitudes aside, I can't stop thinking about it, so I'm guess I'm going to keep writing about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

from the imaginary yearbook: Toni, you have an incredible sense of humor, and you are a true friend. I am so proud to be able to comment first on your latest blog. Good luck in your future endeavors. Always remember the great times at [your] College and make us proud with all that talent that you possess.
Love, your anonymous blog reader.
PS: keep up your blog and keep us informed. XXX

10:20 PM  

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