Tuesday, January 03, 2006

T-minus 3 days 'til Guelph.

Getting to that point in my holidays where I feel a little bit like a ping pong ball. I just got back from hanging out with my BFF Jo in the 'Saug and I stopped at my grandparents for 15 minutes to get clothes and then went back to Brian's house because I have to be here for the Cogeco guy. Then tomorrow evening I'm back to Grandma's with the kid in tow because I feel like I haven't spent enough time with them over the break.

Ready to go back to Guelph where I have a drawer, closet, room and bed of my very own.

Had a great time in Mississauga though. New Years with Jo and her parents was appropriately random. New Years Day the other BFF Susan invited Jo and I over for a Chinese feast. It was TREMENDOUS. It was all very adult and excellent with coffee and liquers. Unlike my family dinners, I felt like a grown-up...well, right up until the time Susan started giggling at the "spiced nuts" and we joined in with relish.

In a random and completely unrelated twist, on the way home after my grandpa picked me up at the train station, I saw this guy I had a crush on in highschool. He looks pretty much the same, except even hotter. He's got glasses and goatee (is that really how you spell it?) and, as we were stopped at a light, I had plenty of time to drool. He was a rare crush for me in that I wasn't crippled with fear or feelings of inadequacy when I was around him. I think I still have some notes between me and my friend Shauna detailing the particulars of our imagined courtship, complete with cartoons. Oh highschool.


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