What's the plural of apocalypse?

I got caught in a mini apocalypse today. When I got off the bus after my job interview, it was pouring. I've been known to go outside and get soaked during a storm on purpose, so I took it in stride.
Even when I'd walk a ways and was completely soaked, I didn't really care. Sure, I was a little afraid of getting hit by the all-too-near lightening but it was a short walk, with the imagined invulnerability of youth, I thought I'd be fine.
What I thought had been severe weather was nothing compared to the wall of water I soon found myself under.
But I'm plucky. I kept at it. Then the pea sized hail was joined by it's rather larger friend, grape size hail. I was about four minutes from my house at this point but there was really no way, in my flimsy tank top and jeans that now weighed in at over a gagillion pounds, that I was going to continue walking with the giant (slight exaggeration, poetic license and all that) hail.
Took cover underneath a car port. Perhaps not the smartest idea, but I was really trying to avoid a good tenderizing at that point. My bits are mushy enough. Sat in someone's wet chair (hardly mattered to me at that point) and waited for the hailing to pass. I knew from my Natural Hazards class last semester that that sort of volatile weather is inherently unsustainable. So I sat, shivering and hoping that I wasn't going to get a branch to the face in the next few minutes.
The rest of the walk home was characterized by a fight with gravity to keep my sodden shirt decently covering my bits, as the spaghetti straps of my top were hardly up to the task at that point, and trying to keep my shoes on as I trudged through deep puddles. Also I was desperately worried that I'd ruined my cell phone and passport forever as I'd taken my giant, open top, unwaterproof purse to the interview.
All in all, it's remarkable that I'm in such good spirits right now.
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