Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What I learned today.

1) Professor Miller: "James Bond didn't even had to pick up women, he just raised an eyebrow and they tore their clothes off. And he was always the best they'd ever had."

Yeah, he was making a point about British powerlessness on a global scale after the second World War and the cultural reaction to it, but the quote is what really made the class for me.

2) Do NOT get caught alone in a dark alley with Margaret Thatcher. You're thinking "But Toni, don't the majority of her policies make your skin crawl? Didn't she pursue economic and social policies that wouldn't be out of place in the United States of George W. Bush? Don't you hate that guy? And isn't she an old lady or possibly dead?" All I have to say to you is: she sent troops to Argentina over the Falklands! The only thing there is wind! Imagine what she'd do if I looked at her cross-eyed. She used to eat bullets for breakfast! In her old age she's probably downgraded to aluminum foil or something but that still makes her approximately 15 times tougher than me and my tuna sandwich.

If you're not careful her hair might beat you up and serve you to Bush with his morning cartoons.


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