Saturday, May 28, 2005

A Public Service Announcement

Dear World,

My housemates are the most awesome things ever. They're better than chocolate (which they brought me). They're better than a roast chicken wrapped in bacon (which they also brought me). They're better than Star Wars (Attack of the Clones killed my gentle spirit). They're better than Jesus (who allowed Attack of the Clones to be made).

My housemates are like when you wake up and think you have to go to school but it turns out you have a snowday and you can stay home and drink hot chocolate and watch bad daytime tv from under a warm blanket all day long. They're like the Lord of the Rings trilogy: a masterpiece of epic proportions that I never tire of. That is exactly how awesome they are.

Jubu, Subu, Bubu...I salute you. And love you...groinally.


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